Broadmeadows Primary School is an accredited eSmart school through the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.
What is eSmart?
eSmart, a program designed by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation that helps schools maintain a supportive and connected community to reduce online and offline bullying, and increase wellbeing. The program will help Broadmeadows Primary School review and improve operational systems, practices and knowledge-base across the whole school community. By implementing these changes through eSmart, Broadmeadows Primary School will improve student wellbeing, encourage positive use of technology and decision-making, while reducing bullying, cyber bullying and anti-social behaviour.
Grade 5/6 Digital Licence+
The eSmart Digital Licence is an online cyber safety program that teaches primary and secondary aged students critical digital skills to be smart, safe and responsible online. All grade 5/6 students at Broadmeadows Primary School will work through the eight modules that helps them to build their digital intelligence.